
DIY birthday party hats

little man turned ONE!
we celebrated with lovely party hats :)  
super easy and super fun 
the keiki can make their own, too!  


(gluten free) cinnamon pumpkin chip cookies

a moist pumpkin cookie with cinnamon chips
yes, they are as yum yummy as they look!

i LOVE chocolate chip cookies.  love them fresh out of the oven, love them chewy, love them fluffy, love them raw, love them just about anyway they come.  :)  every once in awhile i find myself feeling a bit adventurous...

click 'e hele ana kāua' for the recipe


gluten free cooking sauces galore!

i think i'm late to the party but i just discovered these
at our local sack 'n save in paukūkalo!  


Saeng's thai cuisine Wailuku

great thai food, lovely restaurant
good ol' wailuku town doesn't disappoint

click "e hele ana kāua" for the gluten free low-down


Schaefer Portrait Challenge 2012

Schaefer Portrait Challenge 2012
January 11 - March 11 
Maui Arts & Cultural Center
Wed. - Sun. 11a - 5p
Free Admission

click "e hele ana kāua" to see this year's and previous year's jurors' choice winners
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