
gluten free christmas treats part 1 - rice crispies

butternut squash brown butter brown rice crispie treats
(say that ten times fast!)

browning the butter brings out a nice, nutty flavor enhanced by the roasted butternut squash...  a subtle, wonderful balance that brings out the brown rice crispies and counters the sweet marshmallow.  

click "e hele ana kāua" to check it out!

3 tbsp butter
3/4 c roasted butternut squash*
1 pkge marshmallows (10 oz) - Kraft is gluten free
6 c brown rice crispies - Kellogg's** or Erewhon

melt butter over medium heat 
add squash
continue to heat, stirring occasionally, until butter bubbles
(be careful not to over-cook!)
add in marshmallows and melt, stirring
add in crispies & coat
smooth in greased pan (9x13) using wax paper to flatten
let cool

*to roast butternut squash: 
peel & half squash
toss with olive oil, salt & pepper on baking sheet
cook in oven @400 degrees for 30 minutes
or until browned and fork-tender
i always trust my nose, too 
- when you smell a yummy aroma, those babies are done!  
**regular Kellogg's rice crispies are not gluten free

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that's brilliant! What a healthy and delicious way to enjoy a treat.


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